Summer At Last! June 2019

Temperatures have soared today in the UK after months of bland weather. Summer has arrived, hopefully.

I have little to report. I continue practising classical piano works, writing poetry, and brushing up my foreign language skills (French, German, Russian).

I’ll close with a poem I wrote about a year ago and published on the sister blog site. Since then, I’ve taken advice on the construction of poetry and I know now that the poem should be set in single spacing, preferably with little or no punctuation. Today, though, I will repost the poem in it’s original layout:

The Month Of June

Humidity in the midst of June.

A hint of thunder.

The patter of rain.

Silence then, and chirping birds.

The scent of pollen and damp grass.

The residues of a summer day,

Lingering on into evening.

© Lawrence Estrey 2018

Till next time!

Summer Rain

Summer will arrive soon – in just over three weeks.  The weather here in the UK has improved, the temperature risen, just like summer but still spring, my favourite season.  Today, the rain came without warning and the skies darkened. The air is sticky and humid.

Meanwhile, I’ve sent my novel, a psychological thriller, out to more agents and am waiting for replies.  I continue to practise the piano most days in anticipation of further online or Indie recordings. Then, the languages, of course.  I study French, German and Russian during my free time.

Till next time.



The title says it all. Summer has ended and autumn has come with greyness and a dip in temperature.

Another cycle. I’ve polished the latest manuscript of my novel, having taken professional advice, and have sent it out again. The waiting begins.

Mist And Cold, Autumn

Finally. Mist has fallen over the London suburb where I live, bringing down the temperature and casting grey over the buildings, and I think a long and cold winter lies ahead.  This type of weather does little for creative inspiration, although I like watching rain and listening to the comforting thud. At present, I’m still waiting to hear back from an agent regarding my latest novel, and apart from ten days of vigorous pruning unnecessary detail in the text, I haven’t done any more writing.  I’ve spent most of the time playing the piano and brushing up my foreign languages: French, German, Russian.

Come back, Summer!

An Endless Summer

The summer break from work continues, but the sky is grey again and the air muggy.  I go back to work next week.  Looking forward to it after three months.   I haven’t done any writing during this time, apart from a brief tidy up on my current novel, a psychological thriller for Young Adults, and I’m still waiting to hear back from an agent.  In the meantime, I practise classical piano and continue to work on my French, German and Russian.

Occasionally, I like to look through some of my earlier writings  and I found this one told through the eyes of a man in his early twenties:

‘No, Hope,’ he said. ‘Quit the I-need-you act. You and I are finished.’

He deactivated the hands-free kit and sped away in the car, past Stansted Airport, down the A120 and along flat country, continuing until he reached a lonely shore that looked grey against the darkening horizon and the dull flecks of rain. Hope had no idea of how much she’d hurt him. Hope didn’t understand anyone’s feelings but her own.

He stayed on the deserted sand in the wind, alone, staring out at the restless water and sipping milky sugary tea from a chipped flask, planning what to do next.




Soon, the summer will come to an end.  Autumn, time for new challenges.  The changing seasons. I haven’t done any writing this summer, apart from a brief tidy up on the manuscript and I’m still waiting to hear back from an agent.  At the moment, I’m sifting through a number of ideas for a new novel, a choice, I think, between action of some sort (thrilling, tense) or a story more along the lines of a psychological drama (confusion, paranoia).  In the meantime, I practise piano most days and study French, German and Russian.


Offline For A Few Days, Summer

Hi, I’m offline for a few days.  The summer heat is intense and the weather an astonishing contrast to the freezing start to the year.  I’ve finished the third draft of my current novel in progress, Silent, and am waiting to hear back.